Got to have my own car for a whole day yesterday!!!!! Consequently, had to flit all over the joint like a crazed fly. Still managed to spend an obscene amount of money that I don't have (that credit card aint never gonna go down) on yet more stash. My excuse is that I want to enter a quilt competition at the store I bought from. I have never done so before, as I lack self confidence, but the prize is a trip to Houston for the International Quilt Festival and I have been yearning to visit the States since forever. Not sure how this will go, as I am definitely planning an arty quilt and this seems like a pretty traditional organization, but the comp rules could not be more open with no "theme" or stuff. I don't care. I have got an idea and I want to run with it anyway, plus I did get some really interesting stuff, including hessian that I am going to use as a simple painted background for my bottlebrushes when I get round to them.
Outcomes of experimentation with the nappies is less than thrilling. Made up a new lot the day afore yesterday, using lots less water and I ripped up and threw in all the papery bits of the nappy. It still has not set either. I am having more promising results with painting the first lot of goop onto the chicken bags. First coat seemed to dry, so I put another one on last night. I might try another bag with the thicker lot and see how that comes out. I got more thread to finish my vase cover and I did a bit more work on Nat's quilt yesterday. It is almost ready for assemblage so I can give you a photo. I also had to fit in a couple of chores for Luv over the weekend - remaking a "bargain" dressing gown she got (a black fleecy job with leopard print collar and cuffs) - WHAT A NIGHTMARE, plus I made her three pillowslips for an odd shaped cushion for her son. A person is coming to her house today who helps organize the clutter in people's homes. That will be a fascinating outcome, because I have really never seen anyone with so much extraneous STUFF. She even keeps tins of mushy peas in her pantry, because a neighbour of hers feeds them to her family and once she ran out and asked Luv if she happened to have any (that's rather like asking anyone if they happen to have a spare set of frog's braces). Since then, she's always stocked them - Christ knows where she buys them???????
I decided (it's later today, had to sing "Happy Day" to my Nat with cake) to put the thicker goop on the b
ag and paint on it, added some glitter and threw some salt crystals in for good measure:

Hmmmmmmm???? Will look at it tomorra. Too buggered now, having spent a saltmine of a day chained to the sewing machine, determined to get thru the bulk of Nat's quilt before I start any more new experiments or fun stuff like that (I call it my penance.)
Now, I am not bragging - actually, yes I am bragging - get an eyeful of my petunias that I planted in the garden 12 months ago. I have no idea what the secret is. Perth has about the crappiest soil in the world, it's little more than beach sand. The only "special" thing I do to them is to obsessiv
ely pluck of the deadies when I
go outside for a smoke. Which is often. Back to the saltmines.

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