Ta da da da ta ta ta tarum!!!! My work is ddone on the February Take It Further challenge. I am old enough to remember when recycling was called poverty! We religiously recycled our glass and bottles (that were mostly dark green in colour) in hessian bags, collected weekly by the "bottlo" dude with his horse and cart. I used cellophane, crumpled and torn, fme'd it to a piece of hessian, did some more fme randomly around it and inserted a couple of glittery bits of braid and sewed on some fake emeraldy looking button things.

Not only that, I managed to make the Istanbul vest shown in Threads magazine of November 07. This is not such a great shot, but I will put some nice buttons on it tomorrow and show how it came out. It is really lovely in the flesh, so to speak, making use of the most beautiful red cashmere scarf my daughter gave me a few years ago, but that I have hardly worn - it's simply not cold enough in Perth generally speaking. However, I have become a tad excited about the harbingers of autumn because of my need to reach for the cotton blanket a couple of nights last week. Today and this week, though we seem to have lurched back to the situation where I will be sleeping with the fan on for a few nights yet. Still, I like the idea of wearing cotton shirts and vests in the autum with my jeans, it is just about the right wardrobe to carry me through til next summer.

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