Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Quick note and last pre Xmas, so much too do, so little time. As promised to Arlee:

Multi fractured arm is so much better and having truckloads of physio - acourse not doing excercixes and lying bout it to physio! Also doing way more than sposed to, to here is sampling of my play time results of late:

All of these had captions in Picasa bu t I don't hink they r uploading, so don't know wot I am doing wrong. Will post tomorro, promise and describe the products also will redo photo editing as I must have forgottent to save changes, and these look like th origs. Gettin sore tho now. TTFN

1 comment:

arlee said...

I think it's a type of mandevilla/dipladenia but have never heard of them having a fragrance or such fluted trumpets, so i could be wrong! :{
HAppy Solstice!