Can u believe it is 2:45 am and I am blogging (slowly) as it seems - having just fully got use of rt arm back post fracture that I have fractured my left wrist. I slipped near a swimming pool on Xmas day and put hand ou to save self (for those of u who don't know, it was over 41 degrees that day - Celsius). Any hoo didn't feel too much pain (see recipe for toxic alcoholic concoction further on) and next day (Boxing) was 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wrist was a bi tender bu I managed to move my front fence boundary to a more sensible position, so thought, yeah OK a few aches and pains are par for course. By the way, this is what my poor little white climber looked like yesterday: 
Youngest grandson, Kieran. K with mummy Nat and below, my fave boy, Dylan.

By last night it was fairly painful and I think I have slept about 3 winks with the excruciating throb of the bastard, Have taken 2 lots of morphine, so if this goes a bit weirdo, u will know y. Hasn't helped much,tho, so trying 2 distract brain by writing this. I must be the unluckiest cow in the universe!!!! Am waiting 4 decent hour to get someone to take me 2 hospital. Course, it may not be broken (let us hope) but I am pretty well acquainted with th nature of this particular beast by now with my crappy old bones.
OK here followeth my recipe for a most addicive and intoxicating cocktail thingy that has become a fam tradition for us at Xmas. Those in the northern hemisphere might orefer to try it in summer as it is best suited then.
Take 1 large mango and "moosh" up the flesh (no need to blend if it is suitably ripe & my son now has possession of my Bamix anyway)
Add the pulp of 4 large passionfruit (brag, brag, mine were from my groaning vine) but u could sub tinned, bottled etc.
Stir thru thoroughly a miniature bottle of Grand Marnier (this will make about 24 ice cubes, enuf for 2 bottles of bubbly, but my alchoholic kids felt mor GM would not go astray.
Put into ice cube trays and freeze minimum 24 hrs. This yr, just 4 change & to add festive je ne sais quoi, I carefully spooned a few cranberries on top of each cube b4 freezing. (Yummo!!)
Serve in flutes topped with well chilled bubbly of choice - I use Ricciadone because it ha high alchohol content and it is sweet, but have tasted it with a Brut and even a flat Chardy - not bad, bu I prefer the Ricci as I have a sweet tooth even tho it is a bit unpatriotic of me and I avoid French Champagne on principle since they got all thing about the branding.
Last time Iposted that I woul give instructions 4 the photos in that entry, but honestly my one handed efforts have about hit the limit! Iwill get there,tho - have nay forg
ot! In the meantime, here is some more self indulgent bragging;

Finally, tho I cannot participate Arlee has an exciting sounding swapsie type project (wish I could). Here is the link:
1 comment:
I can do without the mango--HATE mango--and my passionfruit always shrivels up and falls off--so i guess that leaves the GM--BRING IT ON!!!! :}
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